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Company Registration Process of Private Company in Nepal

2080/81 Update: Company Registration is FREE as per new government policy.

2081/82 Update: You need to pay rajaswa for company registration starting from 1st Shrawan 2081.

Registering a company in Nepal is the first step to making your idea and dream of running a business come true. This article will help you understand what should be done to have your company registered at the Company Registrar’s office. All the information about the company registration process in Nepal is presented in simple language and logical flow. Still, if you have any confusion or need any assistance regarding the company formation process, we are always there to help you.

These are the few basic things you need to know for the company registration process in Nepal:

  1. Introduction to Company Act (brief) and company registration process of Nepal: [1]
  2. Useful Contacts that you might need during the process
  3. Rates, duties, and Taxes applicable for company registration (Rawaswa)
  4. Documents and legal papers needed for registering a private limited company
  5. The process after preparing all the documents
  6. More information regarding the process
  7. Annual descriptions and responsibilities after registering the company
  8. Additional Notes and References
  9. Introduction to Company Registrar Office, Company Act (brief), and company registration process of Nepal

Company Register Office was established on Magh of 2049 under the Ministry of Factories. Its executive area has been Nepal-wide, but this is not implemented to date. Currently, there is only one office of the Company registrar division which is located at Tripureswor, Kathmandu.

According to the Company Act 2063, Company Register Office started online application and documentation from 25th Magh of 2069 B.S.  From which it became a bit convenient for the information.

  1.  Company: If an individual or group is willing to do business or industry, according to Company Act 2063, PVT. LTD. are made, it indicates those sorts of inalienable successor autonomy and organized organization. To achieve, keep, sell or buy, or whatever to do with the movable and non-movable property. It can be appealed by name.
  2.  Private company: In accordance of ‘A’, it can be established as a solo private company or can also be of 50 shareholders within it.

Contact information of the Office of Company Registrar office (OCR)

Government of Nepal, Office of Company Register

Location of company registrar office (OCR): Tripureshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal

Phone no. : 977-1-4259948, 4263089 : Fax no. : 977-1-4259961 :Email Address :

Documents required for private company registration in Nepal

  1. Application according to schedule.
  2. In the case of being individual shareholders, we have to imply according to schedule 9 and in the case of a private company, we have to imply through schedule 10’s management paper 2 pieces.
  3. If the proposed company is private limited then according to schedule 14, in the case of a public limited company then according to schedule 15, and in the case of a non-profit company then according to schedule 16’s manual 2 pieces of Niyamawali.
  4. Photocopy of the founder shareholder’s citizenship card’s certified certificate.
  5. In the right of a private limited company, if there is a unanimous contract, then its photocopy.
  6. In case of need for pre-acceptance or license of bodies, then fulfil it.
  7. If the founder is a legal person of a Nepali company, then its certificate’s photocopy, in case of establishment of a new company, how what and how much to invest and its representative individual’s name with director committee’s decision’s photocopy and the representative’s citizenship card’s photocopy.

Process of registration once you prepare all the required documents for company registration

Company Register Office has recently started online register. You can go through website of Company Register Office for details. You can click here to go to the website Company Register Office.

1) Firstly, send a name of company to website of Company Register Office to check whether name of company is already in used or not. You have to follow these processes:

a. Click to the below-mentioned link in the homepage of the Company Register Office CHECK NAME Then there you will see the written line ”TO ESTABLISH A NEW COMPANY, PLEASE CLICK HERE NEW!” Click HERE.

b.  Here you keep your name and email address. Account Make account and USER NAME will be you username PASSWORD comes in your email account.

c. Now keep email in Username and keep PASSWORD in email and do log in.

d. Do login and in the next step, click to CHECK COMPANY NAME.

e. Here comes the NAME RESERVATION REQUEST FORM keep the company name, and objectives and watch whether it gets attached or not. It sends an email, if the name does not attach then go ahead with the registration process. If it gets attached, then you have to keep another name. You will receive a rejection message from the Company Register Office. You have to again send another name.

f. After the approval of the name, prepare the manual.

2) Prepared manual and EC letter (which the founder has to sign and scan) and the scanned documents and citizenship card can be uploaded to Company Register Office. Documents should be filed on a Pdf file.

3) After uploading all documents, Register Company Office will send an email VERIFIED.

4) Go to the field of the chief for the non-profit company.

5) Pay revenue according to the capital. We have to deposit the revenue to the specified bank. Submit the voucher to Company Registration Office. Then, Company Register Office will give a receipt. Alternatively, if you have connectips activated to your bank, you can make an online payment for the rajaswa via the connectips as well. (2080/81 update: now you don’t need to pay rajaswa to register a company)

6) After showing the receipt, the registration process will be finished after the stamp and signature of related staff and officers.

More information on the company registration process:

1) Management letter and manual should be on Nepali paper or any durable paper and should have typed on one side.

3) Management letters and manuals should be written in clear and pure Nepali. In the case of a company invested in a foreign country should be in clear and pure English but also should be translated into Nepali too.

3) At the end of each paper, there should be signatures of all founder shareholders. In the last episode, there should be the founder shareholders’ full name, address, share numbers, and signature and thumbprint of each shareholder. Each shareholder should have one witness and his/her full name, address, and signature.

4) If there is a provision for purchasing shares of the new company by the old company, then we must illustrate the economic status of the old company.

5)At least one founder shareholder should be attained and identified for the process of company registration.

6) Only a hard cover file is used in Company Register Office.

Annual descriptions and other post-registration documents

After registration of private limited, annually each company should submit the annual description. Details Here:

Company Registration Fees Nepal (Government fees)

As per new government policy, you don’t need to pay any fee to government to register a company. The figures below is shown for comparison with previous year’s rates)

  • If the authorized capital is NRs 1 (one Rupee) to 100,000/-       you have to pay NRS 1,000/-
  • If the authorized capital is NRs 1,00,001/- to 5,00,000/-                    you have to pay NRS 4500/-
  • If the authorized capital is NRs 5,00,001/- to NRS 25,00,000/-       you have to pay NRS 9500/-
  • If the authorized capital is NRs 25,00,001/- to NRS 1,00,00,000/- you have to pay NRS 16000/-
  • If the authorized capital is NRs 1,00,00,001/- to NRS 2,00,00,000/- you have to pay NRS 19000/-
  • If the authorized capital is NRs 2,00,00,001/- to NRS 30,000,000/- you have to pay NRS 22000/-
  • If the authorized capital is NRs 30,000,001/- to NRS 40,000,000/- you have to pay NRS 25000/-
  • If the authorized capital is NRs 40,000,001/- to NRS 50,000,000/- you have to pay NRS 28000/-
  • If the authorized capital is NRs 50,000,001/- to NRS 60,000,000/- you have to pay NRS 31000/-
  • If the authorized capital is NRs 60,000,001/- to NRS 70,000,000/- you have to pay NRS 34000/-
  • If the authorized capital is NRs 70,000,001/- to NRS 80,000,000/- you have to pay NRS 37000/-
  • If the authorized capital is NRs 80,000,001/- to NRS 90,000,000/- you have to pay NRS 40000/-
  • If the authorized capital is NRs 90,000,001/- to NRS 100,000,000/- you have to pay NRS 43000/-
  • If the authorized capital is additional then NRs 100,000,001/- you have to pay NRS 43,000/- plus NRs 3000 for all added NRs 1,00,00,000/-
Please keep in mind that the government fee for company registration in Nepal is based on AUTHORIZED CAPITAL (अधिकृत पुजी) not PAID-UP CAPITAL (चुक्ता पुजी). The rates are as of 8/10/2022.
Sample of company registration certificate (scanned copy of real certificate)

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