BagBazar, Ktm

Opposite to PK Campus


24/7 SMS support

Sun - Fri: 9:00 - 17:30

Saturdays: 10am-2pm

Important Links and Files

Banijya Bibhag form for Company ( कम्पनी-दर्ता-स्वीकृती-गर्ने-दरखास्त-फाराम)Download
Education Consultancy Licence Information (शैक्षिक_परामर्श_सेवा_तथा_भाषा_शिक्षण_सम्बन्धि_निर्देशिका)Download
Education Consultancy Licence Registration Checklist (MOSD)Download
Trademark Registration FormNepaliEnglish
Industry Registration FormDownload
Travel/Trekking Agency Licence Registration FormDownload
Banijya Bibhag Online RegistrationView
Private Firm Registration ProcessView
IRD Taxpayer's PortalPortal
EXIM Code registration / RenewalRegistrationRenewal
OCR (कम्पनी रजिष्‍ट्रारको कार्यालय)OCR Link
Department of Tourism RegistrationView
Suchana BibhagView
Trademark BulletinBulletin
Import Duty RateRates

These are the curated list of files and links available at the respective department’s websites (updated on 1/28/2022). BizSewa is not responsible for any contents that the links leads to.

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